Thursday, September 12, 2013


The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron
Write it Down, Make it Happen by Henriette Ann Klauser
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
The Isaiah Effect by Gregg Braden

Reading has always been one of the things that comforts and completes me. I can escape through a story, learn from someone's life story, or be inspired by wise individuals. Earlier this summer I embarked on a self-awareness journey and I thought I'd share some of the books that have helped me thus far. If you find yourself wanting to understand your life's purpose and purge some of the negative vibes that society has instilled in your psyche, these books will give you a new perspective on life. In addition to reading these books, I also write in a journal every day. It’s a wonderful way to release thoughts that you aren't necessarily fond of and there is a freedom that comes with it. 
The Artist's Way is my favorite and many individuals who thrive on creative freedom will love this book. This book includes really helpful exercises on your personal pursuit of happiness. This is an ACTON book! Its not just about reading, but putting the tips to practice and achieving successful results. For instance, she advises readers to have an ‘Artist Date’ – one day a week for you to devote time to yourself and do something that inspires you to be creative. I have been painting and sketching which is so therapeutic and fun. I have read Write it Down, Make it Happen from cover to cover and it is amazing how much this book challenges me to be very specific when goal setting. I love how this book taps into how powerful our subconscious is and what it means for the way we think on a daily basis. A New Earth will change your life, seriously and you will be a new person. I can't say enough about how these types of books give you a personal upgrade.
Are there any books that you've read that changed your life? Share them with me.

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