Hello Readers!
I’m Erica, a marketing and events consultant, graphic designer, and writer who operates an online shop with original designs that range from typographical posters to other beautiful stationary pieces. My work extends to painting as well, and I plan to open up an online gallery called Golden Petals where my original acrylic pieces are put on display for art lovers to view and purchase. After working in a few different fields, I came to the realization that working with others on their creative projects gives me joy! This world offers so much inspiration, color, beauty, and overall value that it is important that we take the time to appreciate life with an honest spirit.


The E.P. Dallas Design Studio blog gives a glimpse into the work and mindset of the designer. Erica Dallas is dedicated to creating new and innovative ideas and concepts filled with colorful designs. The purpose of this blog is to take readers on a journey and give them inspiration as well as expose them to new products, new brands, branding strategies, and places to visit. This designer enjoys magnificent collaborations with luxury companies and brands for projects and events. The blog’s overall vision is to bring cheer and color to readers that they can bring to their life.